Sir John Major was right when he recently described the
dominance of a privately educated elite in the upper echelons of public life as
“truly shocking”. However, his analysis overlooks the fact that there is a
pecking order between private schools.
The school that undeniably rules the roost is Eton. If you are educated at Eton
– where fees are £33,370 p.a. before extras - you have a far higher chance of
scaling society’s heights than if you go to a “bog-standard” private school,
let alone than if you are one of the benighted 93% who go to state school.
Eton has supplied the country’s leaders for centuries.
More than a third of British prime ministers have been Old Etonians -19 out of
53. And the power and influence of Old Etonians shows no sign of diminishing in
the Twenty First century. Their number currently includes David Cameron, the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Princes William and Harry, Boris Johnson, five close
advisers to the PM and the Chancellor, both inside and outside the Cabinet, and
countless powerful men (it is a single sex school) in the judiciary, the media
and the City.
It is wrong to pre-judge anyone because they went to a
particular school – every individual should be judged by their own words and
actions. Here are three very different Old Etonians – the good, the patrician
and the downright ugly.
Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell, is my good Old
Etonian. After witnessing the injustice of colonialism when he was an imperial
policeman in Burma as a young man, he turned his back on the comfortable path open
to him and spent the rest of his short life (he died aged only 46) fighting
against two evils – totalitarianism and poverty.
Orwell was a socialist who wanted to improve the lot of
the poor through fundamental change to the structure of society. Such ideas
would have been anathema to another Old Etonian, Harold Macmillan, who was PM
between 1957 and 1963.
Macmillan was a patrician who assumed that people like
him had both the right and duty to lead. The way that he, like all Tory leaders
before 1965, rose to the top of their party, symbolised how society worked more
widely. There was nothing as grubby as an election by MPs, let alone by party
members. Tory leaders simply “emerged” from a “magic circle” of the party’s grandees.
Macmillan was concerned about those less fortunate than
himself. His worldview was deeply affected by his experience serving in the trenches,
when he was wounded at the Somme; and by the misery he saw in his Stockton
constituency during the Depression in the Thirties. He believed in the feudal
concept of noblesse oblige which
means that the privileged – whilst staying privileged – should recognise that
they have an obligation, within limits, to help and respect the less privileged.
Here is an extract from a speech of Macmillan’s in 1984
attacking Margaret Thatcher’s description of striking miners as “the enemy within”. It is not possible to
imagine Cameron, the 19th Old Etonian PM, speaking in these terms.
“It breaks my heart to see…what is happening
in our country today. This terrible strike, by the best men in the world, who
beat the Kaiser's and Hitler's armies and never gave in…. Then there is the
growing division of comparative prosperity in the south and the ailing north
and Midlands. We used to have battles and rows but they were quarrels. Now
there is a new kind of wicked hatred that has been brought in by different
types of people.”
Cameron’s government’s odious attacks designed to smear
the poor and powerless as “skivers”
and “scroungers” are an example of
the “new kind of wicked hatred” that
Macmillan abhorred.
Cameron has only once stepped outside the rarefied worlds
of Eton, Oxford and Westminster, when a relative obtained a job for him on a
six figure salary as head of PR for a TV company. He has been shaped by Eton
and Thatcher.
From Eton, he has had a smoothed path through life and the
same sense of entitlement as Macmillan.
From Thatcherism, he has a mistaken belief that he has risen
through a meritocratic process, which has made him arrogant, and he also has a
hard-faced attitude towards those at the bottom of society. He has no sense of
Macmillan’s noblesse oblige.
Cameron believes the Thatcherite rhetoric that anyone can
succeed if they have talent and work hard enough. But this is a cruel myth. Inequality
and social mobility in the UK are among the very worst in the Western world.
There are exceptions, of course, but most people who are at the bottom of
British society are stuck there, however hard they work.
Cameron is arrogant and heartless. He is a downright ugly
Old Etonian.
Hey, Jew-hater! Still Jew-hating, I see.